Aliens M577 APC
Model of a fictional APC from the Aliens movie. Features all-wheel-drive, all-wheel-steering, suspension, front turret with rotation and elevation, rear turret with rotation and sliding, opening missile pods, sliding side door, lights and custom stickers. Read more…
RG-35 4×4
Model of a South African MRAP vehicle. Features pendular suspension, 4×4 drive, 2-speed gearbox and lights. Read more…
Model of a Spanish armoured personnel carrier. Features full independent suspension, 6×6 drive, 2-speed gearbox, remotely opener rear ramp, deployable tracked drone and lights. Read more…
Colonial Marines APC
Functional model of the APC from the James Cameron’s Aliens movie. Features 4×4 drive & steering, full suspension, remotely opened side slidedoor, manually opened driver’s door, remotely rotated turrets, lights and custom stickers.