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I'm a prolific LEGO Technic builder, and the goal of this website is to document my LEGO constructions, ideas and various achievements. I'm trying to share my work is such a way that it could inspire, or be developed further by other builders.
In addition to my website, you may also want to follow my
Facebook page where building process of current projects is shown and where future ideas are discussed.
A simple, compact firing mechanism design. Read more…
A more advanced CVT design. Read more…
Automated version of my 4-speed transmission. Read more…

A new free Android app developed with Brickset is available.
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Mechanical stepper mechanism in a small version optimized for use in shifting transmissions. Instructions available. Read more…
More advanced version of my combinable transmission design, featuring 4 speeds that can be shifted while driving and using a Control+ or Boost motor for shifting. Instructions available. Read more…
My most practical transmission design up to date, featuring 3 speeds that can be shifted while driving, and designed to easily combine two units into a single 9-speed transmission. Instructions available. Read more…

Simple 4×4 off-roader built to test a new transmission design. Features two a 3-speed remotely controlled transmission that can be shifted while driving and lights. Read more…

Summary of yet another year of building and plans for the year ahead.
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