Model of the most influential tank design in history. Features suspension, drive and steering, 360º turret traverse, main gun’s elevation, opening driver’s compartment with seat and automatically moving levers, opening engine compartment and custom stickers. Update: building instructions now available! Read more…
Model of a WW1 British tank. Features remotely controlled drive and steering, remotely panned and tilted side guns, partial interior and custom stickers. Read more…
Model of a fictional APC from the Aliens movie. Features all-wheel-drive, all-wheel-steering, suspension, front turret with rotation and elevation, rear turret with rotation and sliding, opening missile pods, sliding side door, lights and custom stickers. Read more…
Model of British WW2 heavy tank destroyer. Features drive and steering via a subtractor, a V12 mini piston engine, full suspension, remotely panned and tilted main gun, turret with motorized rotation and guns elevation and remotely panned machine gun. Read more…
Model of the T-34/85 tank stylized as “Rudy” tank. Features drive, steering, elevated cannon, rotating turret, opening engine deck with a V12 piston engine, full suspension and custom stickers. Read more…

Model of the Maus super-heavy tank. Features drive, steering, elevated cannon with a shooting mechanism, rotating turret, rotating periscope, opening engine deck with a V12 piston engine and radiators, full suspension, lights, and custom stickers. Read more…
Model of the Rosomak 8×8 APC. Features drive, steering, suspension with remotely adjustable ground clearance, 4-speed remote-controlled transmission, remotely opened rear door, motorized propellers, remote-controlled cargo crane, custom stickers and lights. Read more…

Model of the T29 US heavy tank prototype. Features drive, steering, elevated cannon with a shooting mechanism, rotating turret, ball-mounted front MG panned & tilted remotely, opening engine deck with a V6 piston engine, full suspension, lights, custom stickers and SBricks. Read more…

Small-scale model of the Churchill tank. Features 4 remote-controlled functions and suspension. Read more…

Small-scale model of the King Tiger tank. Features 4 remote-controlled functions and custom stickers. Read more…