Model of the famous WW2 tank. Features drive, steering, suspension, rotating turret, elevated main gun, panned and tilted front machine gun, V12 piston engine, openable hull, radiators with rotating fans, custom stickers and Lifelites LED kit. Read more…

Model of world’s most modern tank. Features a suspension system with adjustable ground clearance, rotating turret, elevated main gun, firing mechanism and lights. Read more…

Model of the famous WW2 German heavy tank. Features drive, steering, rotated turret, elevated main cannon and lights. Read more…

Model of a Cold-War era Soviet main battle tank. Features suspension, rotated turret, elevated main cannon and lights. Read more…
1/18 model of a German Main Battle Tank, features torsion bars suspension, rotating turret, rotating commander’s cupola, self-levelling main gun, gunner’s gun counter-rotation system, lights and custom stickers. Read more…

Re-edition of the model of the Swedish MBT, built two years after the initial version. Features full suspension, remotely tilted hull, remotely controlled dozer blade and lights.
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Model of the American WW2 super heavy tank prototype. Features full suspension, drivetrain with a subtractor, lights and advanced main gun control system.
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Model of a modern French main battle tank. Features advanced independent suspension with adjustable ground clearance, gearless drivetrain, remotely rotated turret and commander’s gun, remotely elevated main gun, and an onboard wireless live feed cam.
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Successor of the Challenger 2 model. Features advanced suspension system, dual 2-speed remote controlled gearbox, remotely rotated turret and elevated gun, main gun recoil mechanism, battery box sledge mounting system, custom stickers and lights.
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First of my new generation of tank models. Features full independent suspension with shock absorbers, drivetrain with a subtractor, lights, custom stickers, turret rotated through 360 degrees, and main gun elevated by a linear actuator.
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