Model of the legendary Land Rover off-road car. Features 4×4 drive, steering, 4-speed transmission, live axles suspension, remotely locked central and rear differential, working turn signals, lights and custom stickers. Read more…
A simple, customizable hamster figurine, now with free building instructions available for Download. Read more…
A biped walking mechanism with shifting center of gravity. Features head, arms and a broom that move as it walks. Read more…
Model of the T-34/85 tank stylized as “Rudy” tank. Features drive, steering, elevated cannon, rotating turret, opening engine deck with a V12 piston engine, full suspension and custom stickers. Read more…
Model of a Liebherr excavator. Features drive, steering, rotating superstructure, fully remote-controlled pneumatics, a manometer, lights and custom stickers. Read more…

Another mod of the Mini Cooper set. Features a motorized track and a steered front suspension with skis. Read more…

Model of the Maus super-heavy tank. Features drive, steering, elevated cannon with a shooting mechanism, rotating turret, rotating periscope, opening engine deck with a V12 piston engine and radiators, full suspension, lights, and custom stickers. Read more…
A walking/floating mod of the Lego Mini Cooper set. Features 12 moving legs and 2 propellers for movement in and out of water. Read more…

Wacky hamster-like mecha. Features drive, legs that allow sitting down or standing up, moving nose, whiskers and ears and remotely-fired anti-cat cannon. Read more…
Model of the Rosomak 8×8 APC. Features drive, steering, suspension with remotely adjustable ground clearance, 4-speed remote-controlled transmission, remotely opened rear door, motorized propellers, remote-controlled cargo crane, custom stickers and lights. Read more…