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I'm a prolific LEGO Technic builder, and the goal of this website is to document my LEGO constructions, ideas and various achievements. I'm trying to share my work is such a way that it could inspire, or be developed further by other builders.
In addition to my website, you may also want to follow my
Facebook page where building process of current projects is shown and where future ideas are discussed.

Roundup of another year with a pile of the Lego bricks. Read more…

My first supercar-class model. Features full suspension, remote drive & steering, remotely elevated rear axle, remotely opened doors, lights and custom stickers. Read more…
Small, simple model built for playing in the snow. Features simple suspension, remote-controlled drive & steering, and lights. Read more…

My first walking vehicle. Features 8 legs driven by two separate motors, with ability to steer and turn in place. Read more…

Steered, non-driven suspension designed for truck models using 62.4 x 20 wheels, especially for heavy ones. Offers Ackermann steering geometry as well as pivot point located within wheels, resulting in their more realistic behaviour while turning, and in the possibility to place them inside a tighter structure (e.g. mudguards). Step-by-step instruction provided.
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1/18 model of a German Main Battle Tank, features torsion bars suspension, rotating turret, rotating commander’s cupola, self-levelling main gun, gunner’s gun counter-rotation system, lights and custom stickers. Read more…

New tool for model builders. It uses the image of the original object to calculate the dimensions of its model. The measurements can be simply drawn on the image and then printed together with it.
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New and improved version of my earlier design, a little more parts-costly, but free from its disadvantages.
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My final 2010 Truck Trial vehicle, built in less than single week after the previous vehicle failed. Features full pendular suspension, 4×4 drive, lights and opening doors, bonnet and rear board.
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Model of an Italian WW2 military truck designed for Truck Trial races. Features 6×6 drive and full pendular suspension.
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