Frequently Asked Questions:
Below is a list of the most common questions people ask me. Please read these before you ask me something – the answer may be already there, and it will save your time – not to mention mine.
Where do you buy all these things, and how do I get them?
I don’t buy these things, I create them myself. These are not official LEGO sets, just custom designs not available for sale.
Can I buy any of these from you?
Not really. There are basically two reasons for this: firstly, I only build every construction once and then take it apart, without creating any form of instruction. Hence, if I were to re-build a specific construction for you, I would have to rely mainly on my memory. Secondly, and more importantly, all my constructions are very ‘technic’ in nature – they contain a number of moving parts and mechanism that may get damaged and malfunction. If you want to buy them, you probably want to put their functions into some use, and it means I can’t guarantee they will work properly in every condition, not to mention the problems with shipping. They can’t be glued solid or reinforced – it’s just the way the bricks work; they can be put together, but they can be put apart as well. And I have no time for some emergency service or handling dissatisfied customers, sorry.
If the above does not discourage you, there is obviously always a space for negotiations. Be aware, however, that the specialized parts I’m often using and plenty of labour needed must reflect on the final price. We’re talking $1,000+ here.
Do you make instructions?
Usually I don’t, and there is a number of reasons for it. Creating instructions takes much more time than the actual building did, and hence it would drastically reduce the number of my constructions. I tend to use plenty of specialized parts that are rare and expensive – so even with the instruction in hand, you would most likely have to do a lot of shopping, and then perhaps feel unhappy about the way you spent your money. Finally, I deeply believe that creativity is what LEGO is about. So I’m taking many photos and I’m explaining how the mechanisms are built and on what principles they work. This plus your creativity should be enough. If you want complete, step-by-step instructions – go buy some LEGO sets.
You should submit your creations to LEGO Ideas!
No, I don’t. The LEGO Ideas program rejects vast majority of submissions, including every single Technic submission up to date, and there are strict guidelines which most of my creations don’t meet.
What software are you using to create 3D drawings and schemes?
I’m using MLCad for modelling and LDView for rendering, and LPub for making instructions.
Can you send me more photos of something?
No. The construction you’re interested in is most probably already taken apart, and I really don’t keep any photos hidden from you. I only keep the photos I have published. If they’re not enough – sorry, there really is no more.
Does “Future Projects” page list all your future projects?
No. I have a number of secret projects, which are highly experimental and hence more likely to fail. I don’t list them there to avoid being hard-pressed, as they are more unusual and more difficult to complete than the regular ones. But if such a project enters a stage at which it’s very likely to be completed, it will be listed in the “Currently building” section under a code name.
Can I use any of your ideas?
Of course, that’s why I publish them. I believe that the ideas should be exchanged in the Lego builders community freely.
Do I have to credit you when I use some of your ideas?
Not necessarily. It will be nice if you do, but that’s not really the point, and I don’t require it. I’d rather see my ideas developed further and put into a good use, than look around for credits.
Are you keeping all your constructions?
I’m keeping none. I take them all apart in order to build something next, to re-use the parts. I have no regrets about it – anything I build can be recreated, and even if I kept it intact, I would feel compelled to improve something in it sooner or later. My need for building is simply stronger than my need for looking at my creations.
How many parts do you have?
Probably less than you think. I’m not a collector, I only buy necessary parts, and I’m re-using the ones I already have. Moreover, I want to hold all my parts within my workbench, and that implies certain limits.
What does your workbench looks like?
Messy is the word, I guess. The video below shows all the details.
Where do you get all your parts?
There are many sources available, starting with the LEGO Shop itself, including eBay and probably the most specialized: Bricklink.com. I’m shopping almost exclusively online, because the prices are more affordable that in local shops available to me.
Can you sell me some parts?
No. As mentioned above, there are numerous sources of LEGO parts available. Most of them are faster and cheaper than I could be.
Do you have some special technical education?
Not a bit, I’m a linguist by education and a webdesigner by profession. I simply have a strong interest in mechanics, and a plenty of experience with LEGO bricks. All I need to build is some mathematics, geometry and access to the Wikipedia.
You should show LEGO what you build, or work for them!
Thank you, actually the company is aware of my work, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to hire me or turn my creations into LEGO sets. It doesn’t work that way.
How come your photos look professionally edited?
I work as a webdesigner. Graphic design and post-processing of photos are essential part of my profession.
Are you a professional photographer?
No, I have little idea about professional photography. I’m using a DLSR camera, a pair of good lamps, and a big piece of paper as the background. Nothing really tricky.
What cameras are you using?
As of 2018, I am using Canon EOS 70D camera with Canon 17-55mm lens for photos, Lumix G7 for videos, as well as two GoPro cameras: 4 Session and 5 Black Edition.
Are you building with LEGO bricks only?
Usually yes. I’m using both LEGO and non-LEGO strings, rubber bands and pneumatic hoses, as these originals parts are most difficult (and least rational) to buy. Occasionally I use 3D-printed parts, which is always clearly stated, and sometimes I use third-party remote control devices such as SBrick or BuWizz, where LEGO Power Functions system is too limited or too outdated for comfortable use. This, again, is always clearly stated. Other than that, it’s all original LEGO bricks down to the last single part. And I don’t modify, cut or glue my bricks.
Can you build something from the Star Wars theme?
I have no interest in Star Wars theme at all, sorry.
What’s the difference between terms “Truck Trial” and “Trial Truck”?
Truck Trial is the name of the competition. Trial truck is the name of a vehicle built specifically for this competition.
Can you make instructions for some good Trial Truck?
No. It’s simply pointless – Truck Trial is a sport somewhat similar to F1 races, which means that there are no ultimate solutions nor ultimate vehicles. Construction of trucks used in the Truck Trial is continuously evolving, the improving of vehicles never really stops, and new solutions pop up every couple of months only to become outdated sooner or later. There are many different approaches to building, various builders focus on various aspects of their vehicles, and ever most successful trucks are being improved and experimented on. Some vehicles can perform excellent against certain types of obstacles while failing against other. I’m still trying to develop a decent, universal vehicle, but even if I succeed and create instruction, it will soon become worthless. Given the extreme complexity of Truck Trial vehicles and hence long time needed to create such an instruction, it would very likely be outdated by the time it’s finished.
How come you build so much?
There is a number of experienced builders who work really fast. In my case, I believe imagination is the key: I don’t have to try out every solution that comes to my head, because often I can imagine how it would work without touching a single brick. It’s not difficult, it’s just a matter of experience and knowledge on the LEGO bricks. There is also a matter of planning – when I build something big, I’m trying to plan it in theory as much as possible. I’m checking the exact size of the mechanisms I want to include in it, I’m trying to figure out the best way to put them together. It takes little effort, and it’s really helpful, or even crucial in case of the most complex constructions.
How long does it take to build these things?
That varies a lot, depending on the complexity of a given model and the amount of spare time I have at the moment. In most cases, it’s between 3 and 6 weeks, but some large, complex models can take as long as 3 years.
@rob gillan
Thanks. I’ve sent you an email.
hi im from new brunswick canada and i am part of c sqn royal canadian dragoons driving leopard 2 a4s i love your model of the leopard tank and was wondering if we could possibly negotiate some sort of price to have you create one for my sqn if you could get back to me with any sort of information that would be great thank you
He was. Thanks.
I’m sorry for good old Lucius.. he must’ve been a good pal. My condolences, Paul.
R.I.P Lucius
I can imagine…
And I think that any kind of working Lego gun attracts a horde of 10 years old boys so no, thanks.
Hello sariel,
what about making some kind of working gun? I think you have enough vehicles.
Thanks you.
Haha well i guess that amounts to something 😀 hahaha
@Sawyer Stibre-Harris
Nope. But I’ve got a Yamaha RBX 270 J bass guitar, so it’s something 🙂
Hey just interested to hear if you got your Yamaha Virago 535 yet. I think all of your creations and ideas are magnificent, and all the pictures and cad drawings are very helpful to all of the lego builders who just need a little push to make something amazing. Keep up this great work.
Hello sariel,
can you please give me your e-mail so i can send you something that i don’t think that need to be published online (it is not something important but something that is just an idea for future project you can make and use)
do you have any ideas to make a suspension for lego rubber tracks
Well, I got noticed.
how did you get your website noticed?
Not really.
do you get frustrated at dropping pieces off your bench allot
Jest. Możesz zadzwonić do LEGO w Danii, jeśli wolisz.
Niema innego sposobu?
Myślę, że najlepiej będzie jeśli zadzwonisz do LEGO Polska i powiesz im w czym rzecz, na pewno podpowiedzą co zrobić. Na tej stronie są numery telefonów: http://www.lego.com/pl-pl/service/
Witaj Sariel . Mam pewien problem z reklamacją silniczka PF M, chciałbym prosić Cię o pomoc.
Dostałem niedawno Unimoga (8110) wszystko po wybudowaniu było w porządku, aż do czasu gdy kabelek od silniczka zaczął szwankować, chyba są rozerwane przewody w środku kabelka. Chciałem to reklamować ale niestety w formularzu na liście częsci od zestawu 8110 niema owego silniczka. Chciałbym abyś wytłumaczył mi to reklamować…
Z góry dziękuje.
What kind of help do you need?
hello Paul !
i need you help little to autovalve system can you contact me email so i can tell you more
i do not find contact information in you page!
Actually, I can’t get the photo. So much for that idea.
The problem is those pictures are quite dark; it’s hard to tell what’s going on. I can make out that there’s those triangular pieces held together by 2L axles, with the road wheels on that part that sticks out. It’s where the shocks connect to those pieces, and how the entire assembly is attached to the frame that elude me. I’ll try running the picture through Photoshop to see if I can lighten it up a bit.
I believe the photos of the Leclerc with side courtains taken off show suspension very closely, did you try building from that?
I’d like to try out the suspension system that you used on you Leclerc model. Would it be too much to ask for a quick mock-up of one of the suspended road wheels?
just don’t slide all the time, place your fingers don’t slide them. Woooo hat Yamaha could sound groovy if you master the slapping technique 😀
White stiripes 🙂
Hey Sariel, cool guys play with lego and have a bass guitar, everybody knows that 😀 😀
nice guitar!
I have an East Jazz bass 🙂
@william barker
No, I do not.
do you have any instructions for the hand/arm… my son would like to build one for a science fair, link it to mindstorms and then control the hand with his mind through an emotiv epoc headset.
Doom 3 menu theme.
what is the music in the lego chainsaw video?
I wish I had your workbench. I have the LEGO 9695 Mindstorms Education Resource Set plus about 200 more parts. That equals about 1,000 parts. I am on my second creation now, a fictional truck (fictional meaning not based on any particular model).
The general idea is that you get paid for clicks. So I can get 100 clicks a month and you can get 1000 or 2. There’s NO RELATION. I’m sure there are some websites that deal with AdSense where you can look for answers.
That’s essentially what the Adsense help section says but can you give me a genral idea?
That’s different for every user, so my answer would mean nothing to you.
Sorry for filling up the comments but… How much money do you make every week/month with google adsense? I looked on the Adsense help stuff and it didn’t really give me an answer
Nope. I’m in the process of taming them now.
Have you named your two new hamsters yet?
Still I’m 10471 Kms away from the states.
That shouldn’t matter since the book is released in US, not Poland 🙂
Ok thanks I will try to buy a paper one dispite the fact I live 17,803Kms away from poland!
I don’t know the cost and selling policy yet – I have to finish writing it first. The book will be targeted mainly at beginners/medium advanced builders, I think. But it’s going to be so big and extensive that I hope every reader will find something new in it.
Will your book be on amazon.com? I know the no starch has other books on amazon. Also how much will the PDF cost? and will the book be more focused on beginners, medium or advanced builders?
Yes, by comments, like you’re doing right now.
Is there any way to contact you if we have questions?
Yup, as soon as its prices get reasonable.
Are you planning on getting the new mini turntable? It looks very useful! Someone’s going to some up with a mini-excavator, with this turntable, mini LAs, maybe chains as tracks… 🙂
Yes, I have tried it. And I’m using MLCad.
hawe you tryed the lego sr 3d builder if not i think the mclad is better now i am understand it
Because I don’t need it.
why dosent you use sr 3d builder
have we seen your CVT?
No. I have my own CVT design, but it only works for low-torque applications.
Oh right. Have you thought of making some sort of truck/car with a continuously variable gear box such as The latest week tech video?
The book is slowing down my creation rate THAT much.
Are you working on a ‘secret project’ or is the book slowing your creation-rate down THAT much? And how’s the ford coming along? I have not Seen anything about it other than the fact that is in the ‘currently building’ section of future projects.
Beause I want to. And the word is “seems”, by the way.
Why do you use brickshelf? Flickr or MOCpages seams far superior. I’m just wondering cuz I want an account on one of them but I dont know which one.
sick i’ll buy it then
I thought your surname was Sariel……. :/
Of course.
so it’s in english?
No, but you can buy it as a PDF file.
will your book be avalible in aus?
@mobile crane builder
I don’t have opinion.
thanks sariel that was fast. i’ll get some videos and pics up when its finished also do you think Robbo is a good internet name?
@mobile crane builder
No, it doesn’t.
sorry for spelling mistakes in last comment
hi sariel nig fan. i’m build a big 160 stud long 9 axel mobile crane and i’m wondering if it needs return to centre steering? thanks
It just popped up in my head.
Just wondering: how did you come up with your screen name (Sariel)? As really need a good one.
You can’t build a needle bearing of a reasonable size with the current LEGO pieces. It would require some specialized, dedicated piece or you’ll end up with something probably bigger than the motor you’re using to drive your axle.
Fair enough. Has anyone tried to make a needle bearing?
I.e. get hold of some sort of tubular piece with a 2-stud diameter, that can be mounted on its outside. I’m looking at the “rocket-ey” bits on the star wars landspeeder my son got for his birthday; not ideal, as it only mounts on one side, and the axle can’t pass all the way through it, but this could still be useful, and better pieces probably exist.
Put some kind of circular sleeve around the axle, such as the bit that’s used to join axles, and put it inside the tube, then fill the space in between with some kind of free-floating round piece, such as pneumatic joiners (They do come it straight ones, as well as T-pieces, don’t they?) or “lightsaber blades” or whatever. Some kind of cap on the end, such as a flat something attached to the axle, and you’ve got a bearing, if the diameters are about right.
I’m assuming that if a lack of bearings is a known issue, then someone’s already tried this, but I’m still curious.
No. It’s not the axles that are the problem. It’s the lack of any kind of ball bearings.
Hiya. Very impressed by all of this, wish I had the time, budget & inspiration to do similar.
Random thought: Looking into the design of your & other people’s large scale models, one limitation seems to be that there’s only one diameter of axle available, and it’s pretty small. You make these massive suspension & steering units, that seem to be attached to the chassis only by a single axle, often with drive running through it as well. (Of course there’s usually shock absorbers or similar as well, but it’s a single axle that’s holding it on axis.) It seems to me that there’s be an incredible amount of stress on that little axle in 3kg+ models. Not to mention that all the wheels must inevitable be both attached & driven by one as well.
So has anyone made any effort to create a 2-stud diameter axle? I can think of a relatively simple way, which I don’t have the parts to test: Make a stack of the round 2x2x1 bits (clear yellow ones are often used as lights on top of constuction models, etc). These have a t-shaped hole in the middle that a regular axle could be put through. There is at least one piece that I know of that could be used to make a bearing; a 2x2x1 “arc” piece, four of which fit neatly around a 2×2 round piece. A stack of these could create a bearing, and the studs/holes on the ends would allow it to be easily mounted.
Of course you’d have to drive it somehow, and using the regular axle inside of it would be an option, but I’m pretty sure the 4 holes on the ye-olde 24 tooth gears would line up with the studs on the round bits that form the axle. I’m not sure if any large wheels have this arrangement, but one might also be able to use a ye-olde 24 gear and use the diagonal offset axle-shaped holes to line up with two of the siz holes that most wheels have.
I hope that all makes sense without diagrams. Like I said, I simply don’t have the parts to test this out, but my gut says that using something like this on the wheel axles would allow a much greater load to be carried, particularly if a silicon lubricant was used. It’s also significantly reduce torsion/twisting in cases where the input and output of the axle are widely separated.
So yeah, is there any point to doing this? Would it provide any advantages?
Never knew there was a tiny smiley face in the bottom left corner of your page Sariel.. 🙂
Yes, it does.
That book is really slowing your creation rate down heaps 🙁
The 8297 wheel is too narrow for this tyre.
i’m not too sure because 8069 backhoe has the same tyre and the wheel looks like the 8297 one.
As far as I know, they’re too small.
do you know if the tyres from 8081 fit in the wheels from 8297? also is my computer being weird or have you put a small smiley face on the bottom left of every page on your website?
From my brain.
No, there isn’t.
I’ve done pneumatic suspensions a long time ago, there is nothing tricky about them. You just replace shock absorbers with pneumatic cylinders and control the pressure.
can you try to make pneumatic suspentio? ive been working on it
Hi Sariel,
is there any way to get your Leopard 2A4????
You say there are always space for negotiations!!
where do you get your ideas
That’s probably because there is no option to upload your pictures. You can upload URL addresses of pictures. I suggest you read what the tool tells you, then use it.
Hey sariel
you mind fixing your model scaler? many tries using it, but it cant seem to upload my pictures
(fyi, im on a mac)
Not any time soon, I’m afraid.
Hey Sariel, since I saw your Pushback Tug, I’m thinking of Le Mans Prototypes (LMP). Can you build some of those? Audi R10 TDI, Peugeot 908 HDI FAP, COURAGE C60, and so on.
Um… any tracked vehicle?
can you think of any use for the speed control? yes it would be kind of handy on cars and such for driving (aka your humvee) but lego sooo should of put a spring in it.
They are studio lamps for photography. I can’t give you links because I’ve bought them in a shop in my country, but I’m sure you will find plenty of those at eBay.
@Sariel What kind of lamps are they? Some links where in I can find more such.