
Posts Tagged ‘tracked’

AMX-50 Foch

June 27th, 2024 No comments


Model of a French tank destroyer. Features  drive, steering, suspension and remotely controlled traverse & elevation of main gun and the turret gun. Read more…

Categories: Military Tags: , ,

Mark V Tank

August 30th, 2017 No comments

Model of a WW1 British tank. Features remotely controlled drive and steering, remotely panned and tilted side guns, partial interior and custom stickers. Read more…

GAZ 3351

May 28th, 2017 No comments

Model of an articulated tracked vehicle. Features remotely controlled drive, steering and front winch as well as tracks custom-built with rubber axle joiners. Read more…

Categories: Misc. Tags: , , ,

A39 Tortoise

October 13th, 2016 4 comments

TortoiseModel of British WW2 heavy tank destroyer. Features drive and steering via a subtractor, a V12 mini piston engine, full suspension, remotely panned and tilted main gun, turret with motorized rotation and guns elevation and remotely panned machine gun. Read more…

T-34/85 “Rudy” Tank

June 20th, 2016 4 comments

T-34/85Model of the T-34/85 tank stylized as “Rudy” tank. Features drive, steering, elevated cannon, rotating turret, opening engine deck with a V12 piston engine, full suspension and custom stickers. Read more…

Categories: Military Tags: , , , , ,

Liebherr R974 Pneumatic Excavator

June 13th, 2016 No comments

Liebherr R974 Pneumatic ExcavatorModel of a Liebherr excavator. Features drive, steering, rotating superstructure, fully remote-controlled pneumatics, a manometer, lights and custom stickers. Read more…

Maus Super-heavy Tank

January 24th, 2016 24 comments


Model of the Maus super-heavy tank. Features drive, steering, elevated cannon with a shooting mechanism, rotating turret, rotating periscope, opening engine deck with a V12 piston engine and radiators, full suspension, lights, and custom stickers. Read more…

Mad Max Peacemaker

October 11th, 2015 7 comments

Model of the Peacemaker vehicle from the Mad Max: Fury Road movie. Features drive, steering, suspension, custom stickers and SBricks. Read more…

Categories: Misc. Tags: , , , , ,

T29 Heavy Tank

August 14th, 2015 21 comments


Model of the T29 US heavy tank prototype. Features drive, steering, elevated cannon with a shooting mechanism, rotating turret, ball-mounted front MG panned & tilted remotely, opening engine deck with a V6 piston engine, full suspension, lights, custom stickers and SBricks. Read more…

Churchill tank

March 29th, 2015 15 comments

Small-scale model of the Churchill tank. Features 4 remote-controlled functions and suspension. Read more…

Categories: Military Tags: , ,