2010 Roundup
Roundup of another year with a pile of the Lego bricks.
The 2010 seemed like a short year that left little time for building. It has been, however, full of exciting events. The first event has taken place already on January, when me and my fellow LUGPol member, have been invited for a short live interview on TV. Later, on March, I have built a 1:1 model of a human arm, thinking of it like of a ‘relaxation build’, but it unexpectedly gathered an amazing amount of attention from all over the world (resulting in 15 publications at various websites, which is more than any other of my constructions ever had). Just a few days later I have finished a new version of my S Tank model from two years earlier. The original model has been very successful, but I have seen a lot of things that could be improved in it, so I did improve them.
April was when I found some time for work on a helpful tool – a new version of my earlier gear ratio calculator, now greatly improved, easier to use, and equipped with a Gear Coupler feature. Shortly after I have finished Jeep Wrangler Rubicon model, which was built on a very short notice for a Truck Trial race, yet proved more successful than any of my earlier attempts at Truck Trial vehicles. With a kind help of some fellow Lego passionates, I was able to publish instruction for it, thus letting other Truck Trial enthusiast build something already race-proven. My constructions have been also featured in the popular science magazine called Focus, more than once.
On June, the success of my human arm model was nearly repeated by another ‘relaxative’ build – the Table Soccer, fully automated with Lego WeDo components. It managed to gather attention of a number of football fans, and was yet another construction acclaimed by people who aren’t really into Lego bricks.
On July, I have finished the Scania Racing Truck model, which I consider one of my best-looking constructions so far. I had great time driving it around, and the video of it, featuring some slow-motion footage, has caught eye of many a viewer.
On October, another helpful tool was released – the Model Scaler tool. Despite some level of complexity, it was welcomed well – and, to my pleasant surprise, especially by Lego Trains builders.
Finally, on December I have finally managed to add two new categories to my website: walkers and supercars. I have only made first attempts at these new areas, but both look promising and show potential for future. Also on December I have been video-interviewed by a Polish VideoGaduła programme – the video should be released some time on January, with English subtitles embedded. I have also gotten an offer I never dreamt about – to write a book on Lego for a major US-based publisher.
Looking at all the constructions completed this year, I see a nice balance between large, complex ones and small ones built mainly for fun. It seems like the proper way to go, event if it causes delays to some of my long-planned projects – after all, building with Lego pieces is all about fun. I’m also glad to see the number of constructions increase from eighteen in 2009 to twenty this year. I still have the feeling I could do better though, and it seems that I have wasted a lot of time working on poorly designed Truck Trial vehicles. I have built five of these this year, and yet the most successful ones were the simplest ones. That should give me something to think about, especially since building Truck Trial vehicles has to be done on specific dates, and thus may interrupt other projects badly. So far, I have only two Truck Trial vehicles planned for 2011: the BMR2 6×6 armoured personnel carrier and a new model of the classic Hummer, and I will be watching the performance of these closely. 2010 has clearly shown that my engagement in Truck Trial races is pretty much wasted effort – all my vehicles were easily beaten.
The twenty constructions this year are:
- Volvo EC290C
- Peterbilt 359
- Dodge Tomahawk
- T28 Super Heavy Tank
- JCB 180 Tracked Skid Steer Loader
- The Hand
- S Tank 2
- Tatra T815
- Jeep Wrangler Rubicon
- Hummer H1
- Caterpillar 385C Front Shovel Excavator
- PF Arm
- Table Soccer
- Scania Racing Truck
- Fiat SPA35 Dovunque
- Land Rover series 2
- Leopard 2A4
- Octopod
- Hagglunds BV206
- 1969 Dodge Charger R/T
As for the plans for 2011, it will certainly start with a very serious construction: the Tow Truck 2, which may pack as many as 13 to 14 motors and probably won’t be complete until February. It’s going to be a model with loads of functions and loads of details too (including, for instance, 40 Lego LEDs and 12 Lego light bulbs), and will be closely based on this truck:
I am also hoping to finally find some time for some of my ‘experimental’ projects, as well as for adding two more categories: aircraft (including models of planes, but not actually flying ones) and watercraft (with floating boats and vessels of various kind). I would like to have at least two new constructions in walkers and supercars categories too. Finally, I’m looking forward to writing and publishing a book that will hopefully take little time to write and will find a lot of satisfied buyers. Also, let’s not forget that the Lego company certainly has exciting new sets for us, probably with new parts that will open some new possibilities. I already have the new small linear actuators at hand, and I’m more than eager to put these inside the aforementioned Tow Truck.
Have a great New Year and thank your for your kind interest, your supporting comments and your insightful remarks that allow me to know more and build better.
PS. I forgot to mention that I now have an option to upload videos of unlimited length to YouTube. Which means that I finally won’t be forced to cut the Truck Trial videos short in 2011.
Im from Germanie thats very great
I don’t work in Lego company.
how did you do to work in lego compani???
i am form colombia and i like very, very yours creations.
Here Brandon: http://sariel.pl/downloads/
And let me give you a hint: this website has a menu. In this menu, there is a “Downloads” button. I know this may come as a surprise, but things you can download can be actually found under this button.
where i cant find it and i am talking about the jeep video yuo shuold realy try makeing kits because you are good at makeing rc cars and i know i would pay around $200 to $1000 dollars
1. Use English.
2. What video? You do realize there is an instruction for this model you can download, don’t you?
how did you make the jeep i dident understand the vidio its website for makeing it was rong it did not tell me a thing
Sprawdziłem ceny po ebayach bricklinkach i przeklinając na cały dom stwierdziłem: albo kupuje zestaw PF do zmotoryzowania na jakieś 250 z przesyłką (no może trochę mniej) albo kupuję spalinowy model za 700 zł + 10 litrów paliwa modelarskiego i wyjdę na zero bo 150zł za same koła to ja grzecznie dziękuję nie mówiąc o modelu “w ruinie” za 820 zł
Wszędzie jest drogo, ale chyba najlepsza szansa to niemiecki eBay. Niemcy sprzedają bardzo dużo klocków i na ogół, jak to Niemcy, w doskonałym stanie.
Hmm stare brickowe technic , faktycznie prędkość niezła o taką mi chodziło ale gdzie to teraz kupić? na allegro z serii RC nie ma a jak juz to chorendalne ceny. Ach pamiętam kiedy to w Geancie (teraz real) można było kupić zestawy power puller czy extreme off roader. Były też RC nawet jak sobie przypomnę to miałem takowy “dostać od mikołaja ” ale wolałem bionicle. Gdybym wtedy wiedział że będzie to moja pasja..
Czarno widzę używanie jakiejkolwiek skrzyni w szybkim WRC, szczególnie jeśli ma mieć jakąś zawieszkę i nie rozlecieć się na wybojach. Już prędzej sprawdzi się coś lekkiego z dwoma silnikami RC w napędzie, czyli konstrukcja a’la Dirt Crusher. Jak poszukasz na YT to oryginalny legowy Dirt Crusher potrafi naprawdę śmigać.
Tak mi się przypomniało apropo podsumowania. Pisałeś że rozpoczynasz serię supercarów. Była tam mowa o fordzie gt , veyronie (chyba) ale nigdy nie widziałem aby ktoś budował auta klasy WRC (nawet wujek google nie widział). Po sukcesie Scani liczę na autko łączące prędkość , dobre manewrowanie i jazdę po wybojach. Scania miala to wszystko ale nie pasowała mi ta ociężała sylwetka TIRa. Zbudowałem juz kiedyś powozie do jednego pojazdu z takiej serii ale przekombinowałem z automatyczną skrzynią biegów i chciałbym jakąś nową idee z trzystopniową zmianą.
Będe pamiętał.
Była krótka seria Technic Star Wars. Obawiam się że cena licencjonowanego zestawu tej wielkości z silnikiem przekroczy 600zł.
Więcej dywagacji na temat Unimoga znajdziesz na LUGPolu, tutaj chciałbym mieć komentarze związane z moim MOCem.
Ale pod nazwą technic? Oczywiście były z elementów technic ale z serii racers. Ciekawe jaka będzie cena unimoga? oceniam na 300-600 zł.
Nie, były jeszcze zestawy Ferrari.
Dziękuje za odpowiedź. Swoją drogą to chyba pierwszy “firmowy”(który jest konkretnie czymś w tym przypadku unimog u400) zestaw technic?
Nie mam udziału w projektowaniu nowych zestawów. I tak, wyglądają obiecująco, szczególnie Unimog.
No więc podsumowanie 2010. Oznacza to że mamy 2011 . A więc do czego zmieżam – nowe zestawy . Te z niższej półki które już się pojawily są w porównanu do 2010 są dużo leprze. A więc coś nadchodzi … nowe “letnie” zesawy czyli supercar , unimog u 400 czy laweta!!! Czy już je widziałeś? Masz je na liście zakupów? Jak dla mnie bardzo miła niespodzianka bo wszyskie są-będą elektryczne. Pisałeś kiedyś że możesz wchodzić jako jeden z trzech z poza lego na ich stronę . Stąd pytanie 3 czy “maczałeś w nich palce”?
I’m going to build Steiger Panther tractor, if time allows. I like its look better.
a Valtra
can you try to make a tractor this year?
Oh… I don’t think the the strength is that large, but it is good for working in tight spaces.
I have the new backhoe, actually.
You need to get the new mini linear actuator, it is in the new technic backhoe. 4 of them are, actually.
Hello, I’m Bernard, I am 13 years old and am addicted to lego. I like a lot of your projects. I would like to become a designer of professional technical lego. I have a blog I created very recently: http://www.legomais.blogspot.com. Really liked that visits to the blog and leave a comment. =) I hope-and keep up the good work!
Hey Mike . You can see a test of this model MLA here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUu584-sGPA. If you look at his channel, you can see tests of this part and the ‘regular’ LA too. Useful to see maybe.
Paul, no matter how much you didn’t build: the glass is always half full, not half empty 😉 Quality beats quantity i.m.h.o.
By the way: happy 2011 too!
i managed to get the brand new backhoe loader from one of the lego stores, cant wait to put it together really 😀 they should be interesting to see used since you’ve only had the option of pneumatic cylinders if you wanted something smaller than the linear actuator, can’t wait to see you use them 😀
That sounds promising, maybe you’ll be able to use it for steering articulated vehicles. Smaller ones at least..
Yes, it’s full plastic. It seems roughly as strong as a large pneumatic cylinder. It has internal clutch that yields to excessive loads.
@Sariel thanks! Looks useful, I guess it has a plastic push-rod, not metal like the big ones? I’m wondering how strong it is… 🙂
Here’s the new small LA: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=92637c01
Książka będzie, ale wyłącznie po angielsku i w Polsce będzie ją można zamówić wyłącznie przez Internet, jeśli w ogóle. Wydawca który mi to zaproponował działa na rynku amerykańskim i w niego celuje ze sprzedażą książki. Wątpię żeby w Polsce ktoś taką książkę wydał.
Czyli jeżeli mój angielski nie jest aż taki zły to jednak będzie książka! (a przynajmniej o tym myślisz) . Jeżeli będzie kosztować w granicach 50 zl to kupuję, a do 80 bym się zastanawiał. Pomijając to co pisałem mógłbyś zrobić coś w rodzaju poradnika truck trial?(jakie koła , przelożenia). w internecie jest tego mnóstwo ale na zasadzie węź to tamto i masz to a ja wolałbym np. jeżeli takie koła to takie przełożenia itp. oraz ewentulne ostrzeżenia o używaniu części (kto by przypuszczał że nowe zawieszenie nie wytrzyma 6 kg).
Dude, he is going to write a book about Lego!
Why would you ask for a guide then?
Really? I didn’t know that!
Please Sariel give the Bricklink ref no for the small LAs, i’d like to see what they look like, thanks! 🙂
I was wondering if you could make a sort of “guide” or something like that explaining the most important tips for building a good lego model. And also some tricks or ways to solve some usual problems you can find during the building process.