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Wrangler Takeaway

Sariel.pl has a Downloads section now. The list of files available for downloads is not a long one at the moment, but starts with a complete, high quality step-by-step instruction for my acclaimed Jeep Wrangler Rubicon model. You can get it for free and try to build one on your own.

When I’ve completed my Jeep Wrangler Rubicon model and declared that I’ll publish instruction for it if it works well in the Truck Trial, I did not expect much feedback for this unsophisticated and rather small model. Yet the Jeep has shown its charm while working its way through the Trial Truck track. A lot of people have become very enthusiastic about building their own copy of it, which flattered me but also meant that I have to make sure the instruction will meet their expectations. First, I’ve created 3D models of front and rear axle, so that builders interested only in suspension wouldn’t need to wait for the complete instruction. Then I proceeded to create the complete instruction by gradually disassembling the model and taking photos of it to eventually publish them in reverse order. This is a well-known and relatively time-efficient method, used very well by builders such as e.g. Nico71. However, the photos are usually less readable than 3D renders.

I was unwilling to create a complete 3D model of the Jeep, and this is when I received an unexpected, yet valuable help from a reader called Jegge. Having only the aforementioned photos as the reference material, he managed to model the entire Jeep is just a few days, and he was kind enough to release the model for my use. I was deeply impressed by the quality and accuracy of his work, and I felt that I should do something to let other people benefit from his effort. Jegge has agreed to let me correct some minor inaccuracies of his model and create a complete instruction based on it, which would be released free of charge. Jegge’s work means a lot to me, and his selflessness is a great example of how amazing the community of Lego fans can be.

Releasing such a professional instruction was a good reason to add another section to my website – the Downloads section. Right now there is just one instruction and two tutorials converted to PDF format for your reading convenience, but hopefully more will be added later.

As for the instruction itself, my goal was to make is as easy to use and as intuitive as possible. This is why it introduces a different building order than the earlier photos-based version, while being much longer as well. There is a complete list of parts included, but keep in mind that this is a software-generated list and may not be 100% accurate. Moreover, many parts can be substituted with different Lego pieces, and it’s up to your creativity to try out some changes or modifications. Honestly, I would be genuinely pleased to see some severely upgraded version of this model built by someone else 🙂

I hope the instruction will be useful to you, and that building the model will be a rewarding experience. Note that I have currently no plans to create more instructions – which obviously doesn’t mean that I’ll never do that again.

Update: the ZIP package now includes also a plain text file with parts list and MLCad models of the whole model, the front axle and the rear axle.

Download the instruction in a single ZIP file or browse instruction:

001.png 002.png 003.png 004.png 005.png 006.png 007.png 008.png 009.png 010.png 011.png 012.png 013.png 014.png 015.png 016.png 017.png 018.png 019.png 020.png 021.png 022.png 023.png 024.png 025.png 026.png 027.png 028.png 029.png 030.png 031.png 032.png 033.png 034.png 035.png 036.png 037.png 038.png 039.png 040.png 041.png 042.png 043.png 044.png 045.png 046.png 047.png 048.png 049.png 050.png 051.png 052.png 053.png 054.png 055.png 056.png 057.png 058.png 059.png 060.png 061.png 062.png 063.png 064.png 065.png 066.png 067.png 068.png 069.png 070.png 071.png 072.png 073.png 074.png 075.png 076.png 077.png 078.png 079.png 080.png 081.png 082.png 083.png 084.png 085.png 086.png 087.png 088.png 089.png 090.png 091.png 092.png 093.png 094.png 095.png 096.png 097.png 098.png 099.png 100.png 101.png 102.png 103.png 104.png 105.png 106.png 107.png 108.png 109.png 110.png 111.png 112.png 113.png 114.png 115.png 116.png 117.png 118.png 119.png 120.png 121.png 122.png 123.png 124.png 125.png 126.png 127.png 128.png 129.png 130.png 131.png 132.png 133.png 134.png 135.png 136.png 137.png 138.png 139.png 140.png 141.png 142.png 143.png 144.png 145.png 146.png 147.png 148.png 149.png 150.png 151.png 152.png 153.png 154.png 155.png 156.png 157.png 158.png 159.png 160.png 161.png 162.png 163.png 164.png 165.png 166.png 167.png 168.png 169.png 170.png 171.png 172.png 173.png 174.png 175.png 176.png 177.png 178.png 179.png 180.png 181.png 182.png 183.png 184.png 185.png 186.png 187.png 188.png 189.png 190.png 191.png 192.png 193.png 194.png 195.png 196.png 197.png 198.png 199.png 200.png 201.png 202.png 203.png 204.png 205.png 206.png 207.png 208.png 209.png 210.png 211.png 212.png 213.png
Categories: News Tags:
  1. Sariel
    September 29th, 2010 at 22:21 | #1

    Właśnie dlatego między kardanami a kołami jest aż trzykrotna redukcja która je chroni.

  2. jankes
    September 29th, 2010 at 21:29 | #2

    Witam. Czy jest mozliwosc zbudowac przedni most (skrętny napędzany) bez uzycia kardanów?? Z tego co się naczytałem na LUGpol’u to kardany uważane są za najsłabsze ogniwo!

  3. stefanmaster96
    June 6th, 2010 at 17:36 | #3

    yo sariel, i just wanna let u know that i understand how the suspension srpings work with pendualr suspension, so you don’t need to answer my very hard to understand question lol

  4. Nico
    May 23rd, 2010 at 19:37 | #4

    I have created a LDD model from the instructions and mailed it to your gazeta address. Its not perfect, but a close match. Should make a nice addition to your Rubicon collection.

  5. May 21st, 2010 at 14:27 | #5

    I’ve been a fan of Your models for a while now and I must say Your work is really impressive. Thanks so much for sharing the insides of this model, it’s a very good lesson for a Technic starter builder like myself. I can’t wait to build something like that.

  6. May 20th, 2010 at 00:26 | #6

    @Sariel xd
    oh thats why.

  7. Sariel
    May 19th, 2010 at 18:24 | #7

    There are two types of u-joints, older 4-studs long and newer 3-studs long. I used the newer ones.

  8. May 19th, 2010 at 17:53 | #8

    why wont my u joints fit??? are the ones you used shorter or somthing???

  9. Z
    May 19th, 2010 at 04:24 | #9

    Awsome! thx!!~~

  10. Siddhart
    May 14th, 2010 at 17:35 | #10

    Thanx Paul, I was trying to create a suspension for a larger pickup truck, about 600 mm tall and 250 mm wide. I kept trying and trying, but I think I’ll first try and build something like your wrangler first. On this way I’ll practice and practice until I’ll be able to build the xxxl large pickup truck caompatible with PF. Again and again: Tanhx very much!

  11. Alex
    May 14th, 2010 at 08:56 | #11

    @tom @sariel
    The only disadvantage of not having diffs is the manoeuvrability of the vehicle in close turns. I have thought about a limited slip diff using the old 14t gears instead of the 12t gears. have you ever tried that?

  12. Netfreeze
    May 14th, 2010 at 08:25 | #12

    Great job! Thank you very much for this wonderful gift!!!

  13. Sam
    May 14th, 2010 at 07:36 | #13

    Most off-roaders have a diff lock, which basically removes the diff anyway, so why put one in? It makes the build heavier, more complex and more expensive. And if you don’t use the diff lock then the vehicle would not move if one (or two, if it’s a 4WD) of the drive wheels left the ground. look up how a differential works if you don’t understand.

  14. Sariel
    May 13th, 2010 at 21:38 | #14

    Because they make wheels slip, that’s why.

  15. tom
    May 13th, 2010 at 14:40 | #15


  16. May 13th, 2010 at 14:30 | #16

    Bravo for your amazing work ! 🙂

  17. Michael
    May 13th, 2010 at 14:24 | #17

    Bravo et Merci

  18. NeuroMimetis
    May 12th, 2010 at 16:46 | #18

    Thanks a lot Paul !

  19. Sariel
    May 12th, 2010 at 15:13 | #19

    Currently not. They went out of use with most builders.

  20. Tom
    May 12th, 2010 at 14:46 | #20

    a little question,don’t you ever use differentials trtr vehicles

  21. Alex
    May 11th, 2010 at 00:31 | #21

    Well done Sariel ! I hope you will be able to post building instructions also for other models in the future ! well done !

  22. Sariel
    May 10th, 2010 at 20:24 | #22

    Yes. The video of Wrangler on the TrTr race shows it pretty well.

  23. Yoraish
    May 10th, 2010 at 17:08 | #23

    Of course, but do you still have enough freedom?

  24. Sariel
    May 10th, 2010 at 16:44 | #24

    Yes. This is because one of them has to be stretched when the other one is stressed.

  25. Yoraish
    May 10th, 2010 at 16:39 | #25

    The shock absorbers are not fully stretched right?
    the are in stress.

  26. Sariel
    May 10th, 2010 at 06:56 | #26

    @Roby Hyde
    I fixed it. Apparently the download counter that was embedded in downloads section messed the link up.
    I have added the files you suggested to the ZIP archive.

  27. MB
    May 10th, 2010 at 05:40 | #27

    Wow! A dream come true! Thanks!
    But one request I like to ask. Could it be possible to add a txt file of the parts needed? It would be helpful in several ways.

  28. May 10th, 2010 at 04:25 | #28



    It’s very kind of you to provide the original file. I got basic understanding with Ldraw family so that unofficial parts won’t be a problem I guess. Thanks anyway and please let usknow if the ldr file is available.

  29. Roby Hyde
    May 10th, 2010 at 02:04 | #29

    The download appears to not be working at the moment. Says the requested file is not available on the server. Did you take it down for some reason?

  30. Crawlerdude
    May 10th, 2010 at 01:29 | #30

    Thank You so much for taking the time to make instructions it is greatly appreciated!

  31. kyle
    May 9th, 2010 at 22:08 | #31

    i love the idea of the instructions and have built my own when the picture version was only avalable but misted a few things then double checked with the new version and love it, am currently building my own interriour as i don’t own any of the new pannels so i will be using bricks sorry about the spelling am only 10

  32. Sariel
    May 9th, 2010 at 19:47 | #32

    Yeah, I guess I can provide the original file, but keep in mind that it uses a lot of unofficial ldraw parts you’ll have to download, and that rendering it in LDraw at 1000+ pieces needs a really powerful PC.

  33. May 9th, 2010 at 18:21 | #33

    Dear Sariel: You build the model by MLCAD right? Is it ok for you to provide the original .ldr file?

    Thanks and many thanks to your great ideas.


  34. Countdown
    May 9th, 2010 at 16:05 | #34

    Great job! I’ve been a long time quiet follower of your work, and was silently hoping that you’d take some time to make instructions. Now we all can see the building techniques used to make this wonderful model. I surely hope that there’ll be more to come; and if not just a couple pics of the “critical” building stages of your upcoming builds (i.e. suspension of the wrangler). Again, kudos!

  35. Sharp
    May 9th, 2010 at 15:02 | #35

    WOW! I’d love to see what you could do for an XJ Cherokee model! (like what I drive :3)

  36. Brian
    May 9th, 2010 at 12:37 | #36


  37. nico71
    May 9th, 2010 at 09:58 | #37

    It’s a very good thing that the building instructionsare free of charge. I think, paul, that you have an excelent mind about the lego community. Keep on great work !

  38. David Luders
    May 9th, 2010 at 02:49 | #38

    Thanks again from taking the time out of your busy build schedule to make the instructions. Your many fans appreciate it! You and Blakbird make a great team.

  39. cricio
    May 9th, 2010 at 02:11 | #39

    Wonderfull! you are a great lego builder!

  1. May 22nd, 2010 at 20:22 | #1