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Hot Black

January 6th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

Another HotRod-like car. Features V12 piston engine, remote drive and steering, and remotely folded roof.


Completion date: 16/06/2008
Power: electric (Power Functions)
Dimensions: Ā length 51 studs / width 20 studs / height 18 studs
Weight: 1.7 kg
Suspension: none
Motors: 3 x PF Medium

This is somewhat strange construction. It resulted probably from the feeling that my HotRed has been underestimated, so I decided to create a version with the body built from regular bricks and more focus on aesthetics than on the functionality. The functionality has been actually severely crippled, as this car has not only the gearbox, but even the suspension and the functional steering wheel removed – quite a rarity among my cars. Except for drive and steering, the vehicle was fitted with a simple folded roof, controlled by the third motor. It has been ugly in my opinion, and had little relation to the real HotRods. However, the effort I put into building its bonnet resulted in an experience that was very useful at my later models of American trucks.


1.jpg 2.jpg dscn7143.jpg dscn7144.jpg dscn7146.jpg dscn7150.jpg dscn7156.jpg dscn7167.jpg dscn7168.jpg dscn7170.jpg dscn7173.jpg dscn7174.jpg dscn7175.jpg dscn7177.jpg dscn7180.jpg dscn7181.jpg dscn7184.jpg dscn7188.jpg dscn7192.jpg dscn7196.jpg facelifting1.jpg facelifting10.jpg facelifting2.jpg facelifting3.jpg facelifting4.jpg facelifting5.jpg facelifting6.jpg facelifting7.jpg facelifting8.jpg facelifting9.jpg< /div>


Categories: Cars Tags:
  1. Sariel
    July 14th, 2009 at 18:40 | #1

    No problem, go ahead.

  2. filleaw
    July 14th, 2009 at 18:34 | #2

    thank you (thats almost the only place i didnt look :P)Do you mind if i steal the shooting mechanism? Thanks

  3. Sariel
    July 6th, 2009 at 09:47 | #3

    The entire mechanism is clearly shown on photos.

  4. filleaw
    July 6th, 2009 at 09:43 | #4

    Awsome car!I love this one!You are the best lego builder. Can you email me the mechanism for the rumbler/tripod gun shooting mechanism. Thank you!

  5. teunj
    May 6th, 2009 at 14:16 | #5

    nice car I like the automatic roof

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