Small trike built for relaxation at the beginning of a new year. Features rear axle drive, V4 piston engine, full suspension and functional handlebars.
Completion date: 02/01/2008
Power: electric (Power Functions)
Dimensions: length 56 studs / width 22 studs / height 20 studs
Weight: 0.85 kg
Suspension: rear – independent with shock absorbers / front – fixed shock absorbers
Motors: 2 x PF Medium
Just a simple project for relaxation after long work on a big mobile crane. The challenge here was to incorporate a battery box into the construction is such a way, that there would be still some place for the steering system left. I eventually achieved it, and there are diagrams of the steering system on the photos below.
The front wheel is suspended on two fixed shock absorbers, but in a way allowing it to go up – I considered it necessary given the extreme caster angle of the wheel. The rear wheels are suspended on longitudinal rocking levers, which makes for a narrow independent suspension. The drive motor, except for providing a decent speed, drives a V4 piston engine behind the driver’s seat. The entire vehicle was somewhat out of proportion, but I greatly enjoyed driving it around.
WHEREOH WHERE OH WHERE do you find those AMAZING rims for your tires??? I’m thinking that you probably cast them yourself, right? Any interest in selling some? I did manage to buy the 8434 (I think) Supercar, and it was MOSTLY for the tires and rims. Any advice would be soooooo awesome. I think the other ones were on your Vagabond? anyway, completly awesome builds. My hat is off to you.